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[Update] X Ways To Commencement A Blog That Grade Inward Nigeria - How To Blog

How to kickoff a blog Successfully as well as Perfectly inward Nigeria

This is Destined Boy – How to kickoff a Blog
Do y'all want to kickoff a weblog? I believe the reply is YES!

ane. Find a Niche

Finding a niche is the nigh of import together with challenging decision when claiming a home online. Many times, bloggers ofttimes make a costly error about this determination. The only mode yous tin can live relevant together with special is to know what just yous desire to offer your visitors without diverting your attention to something else.
The decision yous brand correct forthwith volition reverberate on your success afterwards. So keep it relevant. There are many niches yous could pick out from, similar:

  • Relationship blog
  • Inspirational web log
  • Internet\Digital Marketing web log
  • Motivational web log
  • Gossip\Latest intelligence web log
  • Fashion blog
  • Mobile telephone blog
  • Business web log
  • Event web log, etc

Build a website

Let’s tell, y'all last observe your niche, and then, what is side by side? Start by building a website, website is your domicile online, this is where potential in addition to existing visitors get to know yous too what yous tin can offering them.
There are a ton of websites you lot tin starting time with, like WordPress, mix, blogger, etc.
Let’second starting time with:

Blogger or Blogspot website

This is a gratuitous website created by Google.

How volition I offset a blogspot website?

All bloggers website has a generic advert ane.e https:\\
Well, merely log in to
Sign up amongst a Gmail – then a concealment like this will pop up.
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Then, type the bring up you lot desire to role, if the name isn’t available it volition alerts yous that somebody else has taken it, then you lot have to option another refer.
Then press proceed
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Your blogger dashboard volition demo upwards, delight don’t think of writing a mail service yet.
Navigate to the setting tab, click on basic.
Type the keyword yous desire to reach your website, for example, “Business web log inwards Nigeria” and then click the salvage push.
At the description tab, describe what your web log is all near. Then hitting the relieve button.
Move to the search appearance nether setting, type the meta description of the words that should look on the search engine for your website, click on the Save button.

Read: How to first too earn more than money equally a blogger

How will I know whether it is mobile-friendly or not?

Make certain the theme is SEO-FRIENDLY – to cheque – see Google mobile-friendly tools on the search engines.

ii. Submit the URL of your website 

How will I runway my website visitor with Google analytics?

Google Analytics gives a piece of wealth information or information almost your visitor’second demeanour, retention, average time spent on page too website, bounce rate, search term, etc.

Sign upward amongst a Gmail business relationship – a tab like this will demo up – copy the analytics code, and then
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Navigate to the setting tab of your blogger website – click others – stroll downwards to Google analytic tab – glue the start code there.
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Go back to your Google analytics profile – click on Real-time – Refresh the page – terminate until you lot come across a user.
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

You volition kickoff receiving data in the adjacent 24 or 48 hrs.

How will I rails my website performance on the search engines?

Google search console gives a slice of information well-nigh the functioning of a website on the search engine, it besides alerts website owners about any technical issues similar page errors, security issues, how many pages has an index, etc.
Sign upwardly amongst a Gmail business relationship – at the holding tab – pose the URL of your website – so a search console dashboard will demo upwards.
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

How volition I read the functioning of my website?

Navigate to the card tab – click on performance – so a cover like this will seem.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

  • CTR – means click-through-charge per unit 1.e how many times searchers click on content on the web
  • Impressions – This way how many times a website appears inward the search engine.
  • Average CTR – means the percentage CTR rate of a website 1.e if a content shows up to 40 searchers simply 20 clicks the content, your average place is 50%.

How will I read each page of my website?

Click on the bill of fare push button – striking the functioning tab – stroll downwards – you lot will come across

  • Queries – This means the keyword that is driving users to a website.
  • Pages – means a website page that is showing upwards on the search engine outcome listing
  • Countries – countries that are engaging amongst your pages.
  • Search types
web search – image search – video search
This shows us which of the search type that is driving traffic to a website. That’second why is skilful to cheque regularly so that you lot tin optimize your content for a ameliorate ranking on the search engine.
Some website may grade higher on web search and low on picture search, the ranking differs. Read more than about blogspot SEO at https:\\\2019\05\seo.html

Are y'all going to a fully-functional website?

Content direction organization – WordPress

3. How to install the search console on WordPress?

Firstly, install and activate a plug-in called Yoast SEO – Then Go to\webmaster

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Google search console will show upwardly – click on the alt tag – copy the HTML code – navigate to your WordPress dashboard – click on Yoast SEO – General – webmaster – so paste the code.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Go dorsum to your search console dashboard – click on the verify button – and so a concealment will present upwardly that y'all are a verified owner.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

How to install Google Analytics for WordPress?

Create a Google analytics profile – see\analytics – re-create the code too glue it inward the header department of your subject.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

four. How to make SEO-FRIENDLY mail service on WordPress?

Navigate to post – click on the add together new – a screen similar this volition show upward – type the title tag you lot desire to use – ringlet down – click on the edit snippet to see whether the title width is okay.
 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

  • Title Tag – The championship tag must reflect your keyword. Let’sec tell your keyword is Fashion, and then the championship tag must wait like: i0 things you lot don’t know most manner in Nigeria.
  • Meta Tag – This is the summary of your content on the search engines. The keyword Fashion must reverberate hither, permit’sec say “style is a way of showcasing your beauty together with charisma” get in short together with engaging.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

  • Keyword Density – The trunk text of your mail must environment the keyword mode but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • H Tag – allow two of your sub-heading reverberate your keyword
  • Image Text – The championship and alt text of your image must reflect your keyword

v. Put a keyword on your image

Navigate to the WordPress dashboard – click on media – press the add together new button – select a flick from the gallery – click on the picture show – and then insert the keyword as well as give a proper description of the ikon – like – Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 human amongst manner apparel.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

6. Keyword inquiry

Before yous think of writing a postal service, make a enquiry for the keyword y'all like to purpose.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Simply go for the keyword with high relevance as well as traffic just depression contest.

vii. Visit Forum

Visit a forum related to your niche to know what data people aren’t really getting. Then set out to correlate those ideas for your postal service inward club to resonate with your audience's involvement.

eight. Search Engine

Use the Search Engine to list out suggested or related keyword people are searching for inward your niche.

 How to start a blog Successfully and Perfectly in Nigeria [Update] 10 Ways To Start A Blog That Rank in Nigeria - How To Blog

Begin to function on those keywords for improve optimization.

Read: how to improve your search engine ranking fast

9. Social Media

Share your content across social media for more than visibility.
Drop your content or website link to do-follow forums or high domain websites related to your niche. This volition boost your ranking on the Search engines.

Read: how to grow your business organization online alongside social media marketing

x. Email listing

Include an email course on your spider web pages where people tin fill up in their data. 
Growing an email list is a meliorate style to attain out to your website visitors for new content or product.


Start modest – start out from where y'all are

Think tall – Think up better strategies
Invest all – Don’t quit only do more
Visualize the ball(destination) – Don’t permit distractions, be focused
Expect to stall – cook to celebrate your success
Don’t be carried away by other blogger’sec success, focus on your ain success. Your destiny is waiting for your small-scale startup.
Move until you lot go at that place.
I can’t wait to celebrate you as a successful blogger. Good Luck!

Read: The Beginner Guide to Google Adsense Approval without a custom domain
I hope you lot institute the article helpful? delight kindly comment too percentage it.

I am Destined Boy, a Certified Digital Marketer.

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